OK - this may be a little lengthy so I will apologize in advance...
My gift request for Mother's Day was to run with my hubby and our friends in the Color Run downtown this past Saturday (May 11th, 2013). I was determined not to psych myself out and get nervous which is pretty unavoidable but overall I think I went into the "race" with a good attitude because I knew I would be able to at the bear minimum walk it without a problem. I just knew it would be hard when my Plantar Fasciitis came back 2 days before the race...boy was I right!
We started well and I ran a bit but not as much as I wished I was able. Beth took off like a shot (just like I knew she would) and Jim was with us until I was not able to run any longer and then we lost him as well. I continued to walk run for a little bit until my right leg went totally numb. Figures...so...I continued with my numb leg getting worse as we went further and further. At least when the leg was numb the shin was not hurting from the shin splints!
I felt really bad because the entire time leading up to the race I had been encouraging my husband who was doubting his ability to make good time. I simply knew he would be better than he gave himself credit for and I was right. I was holding him back because he simply wouldn't go on without me.
I finished the race pretty bummed over what I felt was a stinky time and really mad that the course was short and was not a full 3.1 (probably because I had cut the corners not purposefully but subconsciously trying to just get it over with because my legs hurt so badly). There was not space to keep going as you were corralled at the end with a mob of people so I settled for 2.78.
Eric and I met up with Beth and Jim and we had a great dinner all messy and runny with color. I went home and uploaded the time on the Garmin...
Mile #1 time was 13:41 pace...not bad. Mile #2 time (yuck) was 15:19 pace. Last .78 mile was 17:13 pace (let me just say I had issues breathing etc which made me forget to stop the watch as I staggered around on bad legs searching for water - and yes I am saying this to make myself feel better about that HORRIBLE time). But...the average was 14:26 which is somewhat of a relief. My best time (from 3/5/13) being a 14:13 average for a 5K. Considering how crappy I felt I guess it wasn't all that bad!
What have I learned...
1. Blue dye is hard to get off and yes it does leak through your clothes.
2. I am in bad shape...but I did pass people so there are some who are in worse shape than I am (YAY!)
3. Big races are crowded and hard and I hate trying to weave around people - it's irritating! They need to get out of my way.
The whole race my husband was upset with the time we were making so I know he REALLY wanted to just go but he didn't because he loves me...don't ask me why...I'm not nice. But he did come back and tell me to sign him up for the Father's Day race with Jonathan so at least he has a renewed sense of self confidence and he knows he can beat me in any distance race (sprinting is still questionable - I just have to catch him quickly). I am happy I could give that to him!
All in all it was a fun race to do with friends. I think I liked the small race better in reality - more personal and not as much traffic. Maybe I will sign up for one of them soon to try again. I have read a lot on the leg issues etc and I think I have to work to gradually build and stop beating myself over the head. One check off the bucket list...yay me!
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